Aurelia E. S. Browder
Historic House Museum in Montgomery, Alabama
Browder v Gayle - The landmark case that fueled the Civil Rights Movement

The House Museum

The Aurelia E. Shines Browder Foundation is an Alabama Domestic Non-Profit 501C3 Corporation filed on April 20, 2004
This case was the only case of its kind filed in Montgomery, Alabama during the period from 1955-1956. It made the boycott a success and kept leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, E.D. Nixon., etc from going to prison for violating the city's Jim Crow laws of the time.
The home house of Aurelia S. Browder is under restortaion and is being preserved as a historic site on Highland Avenue in the Centennial Hill district, once home to Black Educators, Religious leaders and Doctors in the community.
In December of 1956 The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the lower court opinion in Browder vs Gayle, declaring Montgomery and Alabama bus segregation laws unconstitutional. Judge Carter grants a temporary injunction halting the MIA car pools.